Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ragpickers: Recycling and School Essay

A.What is ragpicking? India’s booming urbanization brings the problem of waste management. As more people are migrating towards the cities, the amount of waste is increasing at a high pace and waste management is likely to become a critical issue in the coming years. Ragpickers play an important, but usually unrecognised role in the waste management system of Indian cities. They collect garbage in search of recyclable items that can be sold to scrap merchant (paper, plastic, tin†¦) This activity require no skills and is a source of income for a growing number of urban poors. There are two types of scrap-collectors: the ragpickers, mostly women, who collect garbage on dumping grounds, in residential areas or in street bins, and the itinerant buyers who purchase scrap directly from households, offices and shops. Most of the itinerant buyers are male and they typically require a certain amount of capital to purchase scrap. The informal waste sector Most of the ragpickers are not independent but work for middlemen or contractors who purchase segregated rag from them on pre-decided rates. Waste picking is rarely recognized or integrated in the official Waste Management System despite its large contribution to it. According to the NGO Chintan, ragpickers â€Å"are unrecognized and have almost no rights to work, despite the fact that they save almost 14% of the municipal budget annually. In Delhi, the army of almost 80,000 estimated wastepickers save the city at least Rs. 6 lakh daily through their work.† B.Who are the ragpickers? In India, over a million people find livelihood opportunities through waste picking. Chintan’s research shows that â€Å"as many as one in a hundred persons in a large city in India could be employed in waste recycling, starting from waste picking to operating small junk shops and even operating reprocessing factories. Of these, most are marginalized wastepickers and small waste dealers.† Ragpickers are mostly women who come from the most marginalised groups of the population and often live in unauthorised slums in the poorest neighbourhood. Studies also show that ragpickers are most of the time migrants who had fled their city or village because of hard living conditions. The vast majority of the ragpickers are Dalits or belong to minorities (muslims in Kolkatta). In UP, Assamese and the Biharis have by and large dominated the profession in the last two decades. The fact that they are migrants and often seen as temporary residents can explain why few governments have designed policies to improve their situation. Most of them don’t have identity cards or birth certificate and therefore don’t have access to basic governmental facilities (social assistance, enrolment of their children in municipal schools†¦) C.Some improvements in their work conditions Many NGOs are supporting the ragpickers to gain access to these basic services (health care, health insurance, education and vocational training). They also provide legal support or counselling sessions and help them form unions to speak up for their rights. In some cities, their work has been partly recognized and their situation thus improved. In Pune for example, thanks to the scrap-collectors union, the municipal corporation now issues identity cards to ragpickers and offers a limited health insurance plan, recognising their contribution to recycling waste in the city This acknowledgement can have a positive impact on reducing child labour by increasing the parent’s income therefore reducing their dependence on the money their children earn. II.Child labour and ragpicking A.Background of the child ragpickers Many children begin working as ragpickers at the young age of five or six years. In Lucknow, the majority of the ragpickers are between 8 and 10 years old. Most of them never attend school and don’t have any formal education. Their families are generally in need of extra incomes from their children. There are two categories of child ragpickers: the street pickers, who collect garbage in street bins or residential areas, and dump pickers who work on dumping grounds. These two categories of children do not have the same living conditions and characteristics. Street pickers, mostly boys, share many characteristics with other street children: they are extremely mobile and it’s therefore difficult to gain access to them. What they usually need is a shelter or reintegration with their families. In most cases, the children work for a middleman who takes the major share of the sales and pays only a small amount to the children. On the other hand, the dump pickers often live with their families, in a relatively more stable environment. They usually work with their parents in or around the dumping ground. Girls were traditionally more involved in ragpicking than boys, but a survey in Pune shows that the trends are changing and that more boys are now engaged in the trade. Adolescent girls are less involved in ragpicking because it is believed to be unsafe for them to be out on the street. They are involved in taking care of the house chores and help in sorting the collected garbage from home. Some of the child ragpickers go to school and work the other part of the day or during holidays. Some girls are found working as ragpickers in the morning, sometimes attending school in the afternoon and coming back home in the evening to help their mother with the household chores or to care for their younger siblings. B.State of the legislation In 2001, waste-picking was included among the hazardous occupations banned under the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986. But apart from this very brief mention, ragpicking is ignored in legislation regarding child labour. Contrary to most child labourers, ragpickers are self-employed or working with their parents and therefore not answerable to any employer. III. Impact of ragpicking on the life of children A.Health issues 1.Long working hours Normally children work in one shift only but some of the children are collecting rag two to three times in a day. Those who are involved in collection of empty bottles work late in the night. In Lucknow, younger children, especially girls, start their work early in the morning and till 12-1pm. Teen age boys start working around 8-9 am till 2-3 pm. Case Study – Lucknow Fazila, 11 years old, has 3 brothers. Her father died some year back and her mother is weak and gets sick very often. She and her 12-year-old brother are the two most responsible person of the family. Fazila’s day begins early morning, she cooks rice, prepare tea and goes with his brother to Dalibagh, Hazratganj and Lalbagh for rag picking. She returns home when sun is high in the sky. After taking bath and meal she looks after her younger brother. Around 3 pm she starts second round of rag picking and comes back around 7 PM. She cooks the evening meal and does other house hold work. She dreams to become teacher but hardly find any time to go to school. She wants to play with the doll, which she found during her daily rag collection. She is growing up and has lots of questions but no one to answer them. She dreams of collecting lots of money and going back to Assam and think of the days when no one forced her for rag picking and she would play with dolls and friends. 2.Hazardous work conditions Ragpicking is probably one of the most dangerous and dehumanizing activity in India. Child ragpickers are working in filthy environments, surrounded by crows or dogs under any weather conditions and have to search through hazardous waste without gloves or shoes. They often eat the filthy food remnants they find in the garbage bins or in the dumping ground. Using the dumping ground as a playing field the children run the risk to come upon needles, syringes, used condoms, saline bottles, soiled gloves and other hospital wastes as well as ample of plastic and iron items. They suffer from many diseases, such as respiratory problems, worms, anaemia, fever and other problems which include cuts, rashes, dog bites†¦ B.Education issues A large majority of the child ragpickers are out of school children, despite the presence of schools in their neighbourhood. But rag picking and 12 to 13 hours In Lucknow for example, 98% children of the school going of working is reality and she has to age group are not going to school. work hard for supporting her family. In the M-East ward of Mumbai, there are 15 municipal schools but the number of out of school children is yet very high. Most of the children are withdrawn from school at the average age of 12-13 years. The boys often work in their parents’ business while the girls are made to take up the household responsibility. Different reason can explain why the children are not going to school. The following table gives details about the situation in Lucknow: 79% children are out of school because neither their parents nor the contractor [for whom they are working] are interested in sending them to school. Moreover, many children are already making quite a lot of money by ragpicking and don’t see the point of going to school. 12% say that they are responsible for their family and have to work. 5% children left school because they do not found anything interesting in the school and they feel that teachers are not teaching properly and they cannot afford private school fees. 4% of the children are not going to school because their school hours didn’t allow them to go to work. Language is also a big barrier, as migrant children often don’t speak the language of the city they work in. In a study conducted in Pune, migration, quality of school, corporal punishment in school, not interesting, failed more than twice in the class, bad health, economic hardship of the family, loss of a parent are some of the reasons also cited for school dropouts. IV.Pratham’s intervention: the case of Govandi (Mumbai) A.Situation in Govandi According to the SSA Survey Data 2004, 60% of working and out of school children are in the M/E ward of Mumbai city. The M/E ward is divided broadly into two main slum communities – Bainganwadi and Shivaji nagar. These are like any other slum communities. There is a gathering of closely built homes, unmaintained roads, overflowing drains, freely roaming cattle and groups of people chatting at each corner. The approximate population in these communities is around 5 lakhs and majority of the population are followers of Islam. Another main characteristic of this community (though negative) is its closeness to Mumbai’s largest dumping ground – The Deonar Dumping Ground. Mumbai generates waste of approximately 7,025 tonnes per day. The management of waste in the city comes under the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). The prevailing approach is that of collection of garbage from the communities by the municipal authorities and disposing it off at the three main dumping sites that are currently servicing the city. Deonar is the largest dumping ground in Mumbai. It starts from the Deonar creek and ends at Baba Nagar. This dumping ground area has added on to the developmental and infrastructural issues faced in M/E. For years Deonar has been the largest garbage bin for the entire Mumbai city and today is also is a home for thousands of migrants who live in very hard conditions, lacking even the most basic amenities and earning their living on the dumping ground. In July 2008, Pratham conducted a survey in and around the dumping ground to assess the situation of the children living there. There are approximately 1300 children living in and around the dumping ground today on a regular basis. All of them are living with their families and have either migrated or been displaced from other parts of Mumbai. 636 are working as ragpickers, of which half are going to school. The majority of the children earn up to 100 rupees a day while 2 or 3 of them are making as much as 800 rupees a day. (476 earn 100 or less than 100 rupees a day, 111 earn between 100 and 400 rupees a day and 5 earn 400 rupees or more) The objective of Pratham’s intervention is to provide educational opportunities to child ragpickers, as well as relief from their routine work in a safe, caring environment and to generate their interest in school-related activities. B.Educational classes There have been joint initiatives with the Government so as to tackle the issue of child rag pickers. One of the major programs through which these children are covered is the Transitional Education Centres (TEC’s) run under the INDUS program of the Government. There are 11 TEC’s surrounding the dumping ground in Govandi reaching about 450 children, many of which work part time as rag pickers. C.Vocational skill training The objective of the vocational training is to provide vulnerable children with employable or business skills and allow them to be able to survive / support themselves and their families after reaching an employable age. Pratham offers vocational training or refer children to other organizations that provide training. Two vocational skill training classes are organized for adolescent girls and provide them with basic life skills such as mehendi or tailoring. D.Mainstreaming these children into school In December 2006 Hindustan Lever Limited adopted 45 children from Govandi area under their Scholarship drive to support the education of underprivileged children. Under this project the company is sponsoring their school education as well as a support class run by Pratham. Pratham’s teachers relentlessly worked to convince the parents to send their children to school and to Pratham’s support classes. They organized parents meetings, counselling sessions and home visits to tell them about the importance of education. Many parents argued that sending their children to school was a loss of revenue but the teachers gave them advice on how to manage without their children’s additional revenue. Slowly the parents began taking an interest in their children’s education and supporting Pratham’s initiative. Pratham started with a four-hour class aimed at raising the children’s interest for educational activities. Once the children and the parents were ready, they contacted the school and managed to enrol the children. The support class was set up to provide the child with educational support for retention in school. E.The Drop-in-centre model Alongside its education program, Pratham also started the first drop in centre for the children working on the dumping ground. The Drop in centre is the major strategy and a non controversial entry point program to tackle the issue of working children on the dumping ground. It is a low cost and replicable model which caters to the immediate needs of the working children on the dumping ground. This safe point of contact for children is key to their reintegration into education and vocational training, and a first step toward a better future. 1.What is a Drop In Centre A place within the radius of 1 km of the workplace wherein the children working on the dumping ground (who do not have a fixed routine or schedule) can drop in between 10.00 am and 5.00 pm. It would be a place which would cater to the child’s recreational needs and the need

Friday, August 30, 2019

Thinspiration Discussion

Dealing with a first- and experience of an eating disorder, due to a close friend having the illness, can say for a fact that there is nothing glamorous about it and it is certainly nothing that an individual should strive to attain. I'm absolutely sickened by that fact that there are Pro- Anorexia and Pro-Bulimia websites which glorify dangerously thin bodies and post images and tips on how to achieve them.These sites provide false nutritional advice and avoid discussing the negative aspects of being too thin and having abnormal eating habits. Although eating disorders are not a new concept to our society, the deals of administration treat the disorder as if its a lifestyle choice, something acceptable. Think that it would be helpful to discuss on forums with other individuals suffering from the disorder, but only with the intentions of aiding one another in recovering and grieving.But instead, people will post pictures of skinny men or women and use that image as motivation to star ve or purge. Feel like oftentimes people don't know how to approach individuals who are obviously dealing with an eating disorder, so they just let them be and the conditions only worsen. Sometimes cases go unreported because one doesn't look too skinny, for instance; its a difficult disorder to diagnose. Sis our society would stop being so critical ad realize that individuals with such a serious disorder cannot help themselves on their own; it's a mental illness typically as the result of another disease that adds extra stress and anxiety into one's life. One of the examples given in the article was of a girl named Marimbas dealing with anorexia who would log onto Faceable to motivate herself to lose more weight as she scrolled through her News Feed of other arils posting pictures of their tin bodies and discussing how they've lost weight or have to go back to treatment.I had no idea that these individuals suffering with eating disorders saw it all as a competition, who can be the best at being anorexic or bulimic, who can get the sickest, the fastest. Someone with an eating disorder becomes so consumed and obsessed with everything revolving around it that they can't even function in their everyday life activities.

Homer Simpson and Contemporary American Values of Fatherhood Essay

The Simpsons is one of the many television shows in the United States of America which features a full length cartoon narrating the everyday lives of a family. The show makes us confront the absurdities of how some Americans live through the jovial portrayals and behaviors of the characters in the animated show. While each of the members of the Simpson’s family represent a several prevalent attitudes of Americans—some bordering on the obscene and some bordering on the good—the viewer’s perceptions not only about the American society in which he or she lives in but also about his or her self is challenged. The show seems to attempt to push its viewers to reexamine their lives, reflecting on each character in the Simpson’s family and the rest of the characters in the show. In general, the Simpson household is a dysfunctional family, never aging through the course of the show in years and often ends the show portraying the family members still loving one another despite the odds. For the most part, the Simpson’s family both reinforce and subvert contemporary American values in a number of ways. Each episode highlights the struggles of the family members of the Simpson household and the neighborhood, sometimes reaffirming several social stereotypes and sometimes challenging our comfort zones and our accepted beliefs. In any case, it is important to note that even the seemingly absurd gestures and encounters of every character in the animated show point to contemporary American values that may be either subverted or reinforced, depending on the interpretation of the viewer in most cases. Homer Simpson, the father of the household, embodies the typical American dad. He is a father who enjoys drinking his beer—specifically called â€Å"Duff†Ã¢â‚¬â€who is physically overweight and who is protective of his family. He works at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant despite his careless characteristic, thereby suggesting that he has this potential to bring chaos to the rest of the community with his slightest mistakes while at work. Apparently, Homer’s characteristics reflect the typical American father who has the responsibility to raise his kids and secure the welfare of his family. His character subverts the contemporary American perception that divorce oftentimes results from a family that is dysfunctional. Despite his failures to provide for several needs of the Simpson household, he has never resorted to divorcing his wife, Marge. At the end of the day, Homer finds himself at home together with his wife in bed looking forward to the coming day ahead. Moreover, Homer has been shown to have a strong regard for the welfare of his family in difficult times, such as in â€Å"Lisa the Beauty Queen† (1992) where he sold his prized car in order to enter her daughter, Lisa, into a beauty pageant to make her feel better and in â€Å"A Millhouse Divided† (1996) where he arranged for a second wedding for his wife, Marge, to compensate for their unsatisfactory first wedding ceremony. On the other hand, some of Homer’s characteristics also reinforce some contemporary American values. One of these values is the thinking that typical American fathers spend their time drinking beer and submitting themselves to their weaknesses quite easily. Some of Homer’s weaknesses are his strong craving for doughnuts, his aggressive behavior in difficult times or in times when he is not able to complete his tasks and his low intelligence. In general, these things reinforce the stereotype of the American dad, reflecting the cultural struggle of the American father in the American landscape, losing his intellectual edge along the way. Looking at the ways in which Homer Simpson handles himself before his family, it can be said that his character implies the binary opposition between depth and superficial, centering and dispersal, and distance and participation. For one, the character portrayal of Homer suggests the depth of his personality, one that can be easily interpreted as the typical American father at first glance but one that can also be interpreted as an unusual American dad on closer inspection. Despite raising a dysfunctional family on a daily basis, Homer has not given up on his task as a father although there are times when he seems to be on the verge on giving up on things. While he is considered to be a borderline alcoholic, he does not end up entirely succumbing to his habit. On the contrary, he is able to maintain his fatherly figure and image and goes on to raise his family even when it meant attending to several jobs on many occasions. There is both the depth and the superficial qualities in Homer Simpson that represent American fathers in contemporary society. While at that, Homer’s character is also able to create distance and participation among the viewers. It is not surprising at all if the viewers of the show are able to relate to the experiences of the Simpson household because the experiences of Homer’s family might just as well be the same daily experiences that other households experience. By focusing on the typical experiences of American families, the animated show is able to draw the attention of the viewing public and, in a way, to allow them to â€Å"participate† in the show at least in terms of being able to relate to and find a part of themselves in the show. However, the animated show is also able to distance the viewer from the characters. In the sense that the nature of the show—meaning, its â€Å"animated† structure—makes the characters open to seemingly absurd situations, it is not always the case that the viewers are able to expect an exact representation of their daily experiences. That is, the cartoon characters can perform unrealistic behaviors that the real-life viewers can hardly imitate. The binary opposition between distance and participation in the show is also reflected in terms of how the show portrays the stereotypes prevalent in American society and, in the process, causes its viewers to identify themselves first with the show’s characters and eventually causing them to redefine themselves. The fact that The Simpsons explores the negative stereotypes in contemporary American society suggests that its viewers may or may not be able to fully relate to these stereotypes. Those who are able to relate to these stereotypes are more or less likely expected to distance themselves from these stereotypes or, more specifically, from Elizabeth Traube calls as â€Å"the fictional self that it (stereotype) constructs† (Traube, p. 129). Chandra Mukerji and Michael Schudson further suggest that popular culture has not only been the offspring of society’s â€Å"beliefs, practices and objects generated from political and commercial centers† but has also become â€Å"an entity on its own† (Mukerji and Schudson, p. 53). Thus, it is not surprising to say that there will be so-called â€Å"popular culture† so long as there are conduits for expressing the generally observed patterns of behavior among people. The Simpsons is just one of the many social elements that showcase such patterns. The assumption here is that some television shows such The Simpsons do not only serve the purpose of highlighting parts of the generally observed behaviors of people—behaviors that are parts of stereotypes—but also reinforce and subvert such observations at the same time. The very presence of these kinds of television shows help people realize what they have become. They aid the human civilization to notice the things that have become so familiar they no longer strike the vein of our senses and sensibilities. In â€Å"The Visible Evidence of Cultural Producers†, Maureen Mahon suggests that forms of popular culture serve as â€Å"arenas in which social actors struggle over social meanings and as visible evidence of social processes and social relations† (Mahon, p. 467). Apparently, Homer Simpson’s character in the animated series struggles over social meanings within the context of the show. The context of the show, however, is anchored on the realities happening in the society. That, in turn, suggests that, indeed, the character of Homer is a visible evidence of several social processes and social relations in real life, from his struggles to raise his family and his role as a father. Jerry Herron also suggests that Homer Simpson is not only a â€Å"reminder† of how much of contemporary America has declined but is also a symbol for challenging our attitude towards the social stereotypes. In particular, Homer Simpson is â€Å"an appeal to the sensibility of the public towards popular culture to redefine themselves from the negative to the positive† (Herron, p. 12). But what exactly are these positive and negative aspects and how are we able to identify them without confusing one over the other? The answers do not seem to be as clear and as simple as they seem. Based on Jerry Herron’s article â€Å"Homer Simpson’s Eyes and the Culture of Late Nostalgia†, it appears that Homer Simpson is both a criticism to society’s stereotypes and, at the same time, as an embodiment of those stereotypes. Homer plays the role of an intellectually challenged but loving father. He takes the role of the typical American dad who loves to drink his favorite beer and yet his is a character that challenges the contemporary attitude towards dysfunctional marriages and families. He directs the viewer’s attention to his character while making them reflect on their own lives and society at the same time. He shows some of life’s worse obscenities and yet allows the viewers to realize the stark contrasts between a life worth living and a life that is worthless. In essence, Homer Simpson subverts and reinforces contemporary American values. In â€Å"Stereotypes and Registers of Honorific Language†, Asif Agha argues that stereotypes â€Å"are consciously grasped† and are, hence, â€Å"reportable, discussable, open to dispute† and that â€Å"they serve as models for some individuals and counter-models for others† (Agha, p. 152). Following Agha’s interpretation of stereotypes, the social perception towards the stereotype American father is still open to dispute and can in turn serve as the â€Å"counter-model† for what the American should be. Using Homer Simpson as an example, our notion of the â€Å"right† American dad can be derived from some of the qualities of Homer Simpson. The conscious exposure of the viewing public towards The Simpsons can be an eye-opener for reassessing our standing perception of the stereotype American father. While the image portrayed by Homer is â€Å"an entity on its own†, it is nevertheless still created from the social realities that persist in contemporary America. It is only through a radical change in the contemporary American value system can the American society be lifted from its status quo. But that is not to say that the task of removing the binary opposition between depth and superficial, centering and dispersal and distance and participation begins at the stage where the American public is able to realize the stereotypes and recognize the â€Å"counter-models†. Rather, it begins right at the criticism of such stereotypes prevalent in popular culture. The creation of the character of Homer Simpson is perhaps the first stage in bringing the things that â€Å"dumb down† America into the public awareness. Of course, it is not enough to have shows such as The Simpsons, among others, to emphasize the cultural problems of America and to compel people to address these problems. However, it is only necessary to first bring elements of popular culture into the surface, elements that both reinforce and subvert contemporary American values in order to proceed with the tasks of criticizing what has become of this nation and its people and of resolving what needs to be resolved.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Abortion and Infanticide Michael Tooley Term Paper

Abortion and Infanticide Michael Tooley - Term Paper Example The researcher states that in his article Abortion and Infanticide Michael Tooley argues that embryos, fetuses and very young infants do not have a right to life due to their failure to satisfy â€Å"the self-consciousness requirement.† Argument of Tooley’s In the year 1972, Micheal Tooley has written the article ‘Abortion and Infanticide’. This article covered various aspects of abortion and infanticide from the Tooley’s perspective. The essay dealt with the morality issue of abortion and infanticide and questioned based on moral principles. These moral principles defined the basic rights of life. The author compared human fetus and infants to the adult members of various species like dogs, cats, polar bears and others and argued over the right to life issue. The author points out the morally relevant difference of newborn baby and earlier stage of development of human being. There are different views over the issue of abortion among the conservativ e view and others. Tooley argues that abortion issue differs from the moral issue as it appears in extreme positions from the conservative point of view of looking at it as a person. In the case where is not identified as a person than how it can be wrong in destroying it. Tooley explains infanticide from an emotional angle and regards it receiving the similar reaction from the society as it does in the cases linked with taboos of masturbation or oral sex in the past. However, the response to the infanticide is much stronger. Tooley differentiates the terms person and human beings and regards a person to be a moral concept. He explained the arguments of Roger Wertheimer in the opposition of abortion as Wertheimer used the term human being and person interchangeably and explained that from the moment of conception a fetus is a human being or a person. Tooley further compared the issue of abortion to the issue o Negro slavery. Tooley agrees to the same and draws the similar meaning fr om the term human being and person. The argument goes further in justifying that a person means a right to life. Tooley discusses that the strength of life with the simple explanation of being self conscious entity is incomplete as it will qualify all the animals in our everyday life to be person who are getting murdered for our preferences i.e. â€Å"Once one reflects upon the question of the basic moral principles involved in the ascription of a right to life to organisms, one may find himself driven to conclude our everyday treatment of animals is morally indefensible, and that we are in fact murdering innocent persons. † There have been three counterexamples of the claims of rights and desired in which desire can be absent due to emotional disturbance, it can be of a situation of temporarily unconscious of a previously conscious person or it can be absent due to manipulation. The arguments of morality can be different from each of the case. Tooley reinforces the need to h ave a demarking line where infanticide can have a clear cutoff point. There should be a line that can guide people to the safer side of the morality. Objection to Tooley’s Article Arp and Mahaffey explain the definition of person to be the one with the capacity of being rational or have intelligence, mental states on the issues like beliefs, desires, emotions, and self-awareness is strong and robust; use language, involved in relationships with other people and is morally responsible for one’s actions. Tooley’s essay treats the issue of abortion and infanticide with the vulnerable way for the understanding of the definition of the person is a self-conscious entity. A fetus or infant cannot be compared with animals or any other living beings as animals or animal babies do not have the similar potential of developing as a person to qualify on this definition. There are different definitions and circumstances of abortion. In medical terms, the life starts from the moment embryo is formed and it grows every day to become similar to the miniature form of a person.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Venetian Altarpieces 1460-1505 Literature review

Venetian Altarpieces 1460-1505 - Literature review Example The altarpieces were often funded by the affluent Venetians, therefore the altarpieces, like the chapels that house them, were often meant as a celebration of the affluence and rank of these families. Seidel (1994) states that such patronage could be a family’s way of regaining prominence after it has returned from exile, or could be a way to celebrate enormous prosperity for the family. Humfrey (1994) states that, for instance, Jacopo Bellini’s altarpiece Annunciation was commissioned by the widow of Gattamelata, Giacomo da Leonessa. De Leonessa was closely associated with Donatello and was a patron of Mantegna. As such, she was at the forefront of the Renaissance art in Northeastern Italy, and she wanted her altarpieces to be as up to date as these other pieces. This meant that Jacopo Bellini would have had specific terms for his commission to construct the Annunciation. Rubin (1994) states that the subject of the painting was not usually left to the artist, but, rather, was decided by the patrons before the artist even begun working. The subject was decided before the artist was even chosen. The patrons would usually decide what it was that they were trying to convey, and calculated their needs and budget for the work accordingly. The patrons then set out to find a master to carry out their designs. The wills, bequests, and donations for these altarpieces usually stipulated that the paintings be carried out by a famous or skilled master. The painter could, however, embellish the painting as he saw as being necessary – for instance, the painter, such as Perugino, would add angels, ornaments and extra heads. However, these artists were not invented, so much as they were ornamenting or filling in the blanks for the patrons. It was all very workmanlike, according to Muraro (1994), in that the artist or the artist’s house would sign a detai led contract that would dictate which patron saints would be depicted, the time that would be allotted for the painting to be completed, the day for delivery of the painting, the information about arbitration in cases of dispute, and the forms of payment.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Current Elections Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Current Elections - Assignment Example Watching Romney’s speech (2012) focused on making him more appealing to the public and showing the softer side to him. Talks about his wife and how they had struggled to raise their children made him more â€Å"human†. At the Democrats’ convention, Barack Obama promised to reduce the national deficit and to reform the tax codes so that the wealthiest people would be the ones to pay the highest taxes. Obama also promised to end the Afghanistan war by 2014, and to reduce the cost of healthcare. However, in as much as Obama outlined energy, education, the national deficit, manufacturing, and national security as his goals if re-elected, he failed to specify how he would achieve such goals. Nevertheless, Obama made it clear that the process required a lot of sacrifices and that total reform was going to take â€Å"more than a few years† (President Barack Obama Full DNC Acceptance Speech, 2012). Between the two acceptance speeches, Obama’s carried more weight, as he made it about the people and not about himself. Obama was clearer about where he would invest money and made it clear that the middle class would not have to carry the burden of the national deficit. Although Romney sold himself as a family man and someone with more â€Å"experience†, judging by the content of their acceptance speeches, Obama would be the ideal candidate to lead America for the next four years. Furthermore, Obama’s acceptance speech has more likes than

Monday, August 26, 2019

Should Prostitution be Legalized in New York Research Paper

Should Prostitution be Legalized in New York - Research Paper Example    Prostitution involves the sale of sexual services to another for money; all over the world, women are forced to impose such a tortuous path unto their lives for lack of education or monetary means. Prostitution has been regarded as one of the easiest ways for women to make money and nowadays, there are even people that set up brothels and invite women to come and impart their services to others. This entire service has an array of advantages and disadvantages on its path because of several reasons which have been further discussed. Those who manage brothels are known as ‘pimps’ and this entire process is banned almost all over the world except for a few cities and countries that have legalized it. New York City is one of the most vibrant, if not the most vibrant and lively, city in the world. This city has been known since times immemorial to never sleep; people slog during the day time and party all night long, indulging in some of the worst crimes that have been k nown to be banned by law. For example, the sale, purchase, and intake of harmful drugs, indulging in prostitution, committing murders and being a part of other petty crimes. The police are almost always on a watch because of the high rate of crimes that take place; the jails are almost always full of offenders. Prostitution is again one such activity that is rampant in New York because every single day thousands of people, both rich johns as well as poverty-stricken helpless men, try to satisfy their sexual needs through a variety of escorts and prostitutes. Since the 18th century, prostitution has been alive in New York because of officials not being able to regulate the large numbers in which they take place. At the time, around 75% of men in New York were diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases because of the same. Even today, this is one of the main harmful effects of prostitution. In the 20th century, city officials even eliminated licenses of a number of massage parlors i n New York because most of them were brothels from the inside. Nevada is the only state to have seventeen counties have prostitution legalized with Mustang Ranch being the largest legalized brothel in the state. The brothel adds to a huge part of the state’s revenue as well, more than all the other brothels combined. It must be understood that at the end of the day, there are helpless women who have absolutely nothing and thus in order to earn some money they begin to grant sexual favors to other people. In states like Nevada, this has been recognized and the law states that as long as these women are screened from time to time, prostitution will not prove to be a problem. This is because laws can be regulated regarding the use of condoms, treatment of women etc which can help to curb down the issue and take it from being a mere taboo to a profession altogether. In New York, the revenue gathered by the government would be at least fivefold of what it is in Nevada; this is pri marily because of the kind of people that live in the city, the kind of tourism and migration that it faces on a daily basis, as well as the nightlife that it possesses. If New York were to have prostitution legalized, then the headlines would not scream murders in by alleys every single day.  Ã‚  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Marketing - Essay Example as been characterized as ‘the process of using promotional tools in a unified way to create synergy’ (Egan 2007, 338). Reference is also made to the needs and the effectiveness of marketing communications tools, which have been characterized as ‘the channels that send messages from the business to its customers and vice-versa’ (Smith, Berry and Pulford 1999, 14). Three different marketing campaigns have been chosen in order to highlight the terms of success of IMC in the context of the modern market: a) the City of West Chicago campaign, know as the ‘This is West Chicago’ campaign, b) the Seneca Park Zoo ‘Zoobilation’ IMC Campaign and c) Raging Waves IMC Campaign. ... need for increasing the awareness of the public on the services offered by the organizations involved; at this point, it should be noted that the second and the third marketing campaigns refer to organizations operating in the same industry, i.e. the entertainment industry, b) they use similar marketing communication tools, as analyzed below; this means that through these campaigns, the effectiveness of specific marketing communication tools within different market conditions can be tested and evaluated (Koekemoer & Bird 2004) and c) all these marketing campaigns had performed well, meaning that they have achieved the targets set by their planners. 3.0 City of West Chicago IMC Campaign 3.1. Target Audience The target audience in the specific campaign would incorporate the following categories of people: a) the residents of the city, b) the visitors of the city; the term visitors refer to those visiting the city for tourism purposes but also those visiting the city for work or in the context of specific social obligations, as for example for family reasons and c) the potential investors; meaning those who would be potentially interested in investing on the city. 3.2 Marketing Objectives The marketing objectives of the specific campaigns could be described as follows: a) to increase the satisfaction of city’s residents regarding the assets of their city, b) to increase the value of the assets of the city (by developing the assets of the cities through the funds of potential investors, the value of the city’s assets will be increased, leading to the increase of the power of the city as an important economic centre), c) to increase the income of the city from tourism; by improving the assets and the facilities of the city (using private funds) more tourists are

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Multinational Corporations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Multinational Corporations - Essay Example The company is in over 220 countries and has more than one million employees. Multinational corporations are provides an important force for the dynamics of the world economy. For instance, the Coca cola Company has been a driving force for the developing world economy as far as jobs creation is concerned Chong(1983,p.130). In global context, Coca Cola Company exhibits certain roles and behaviours.The Multinational corporations are involved in social corporate responsibilities across the globe. For instance, the Coca cola Company supports the sports activities. The company has major sporting events internationally. The coca cola company has sponsored such sports as football in developing nations by providing the teams with uniforms, painting stadiums e.t.c As Multinational corporations operate in many different countries, they are subject many tax jurisdictions. They are thus suppose to pay taxes in the countries that they operates. The tax systems usually differ between nations and thus the process is usually complex. These differences among the tax systems have affects the managers' decisions of the multinational corporations. The U.S government usually does not differentiate between that income which is earned at home and that which is earned abroad.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Write 4 page research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Write 4 page - Research Paper Example The number of Arabs immigrants has rapidly grown due to the changes in the United States laws and the increased political and economic hardships in Middle East countries. Arabs Americans are the fastest growing minorities in America. The Arabs who first arrived in United Stated were comparatively homogenous groups of persons. Most of the Arabs immigrants were Christians from Lebanon and Syria. Most of them came from remote areas where they had limited access to formal education. The recent Arabs immigrants tend to be more diversified in terms of their educational achievement, religious background, and terms of their country of origin (Short 300). Arabs Americans are almost in every state, although they are more likely to be located at one place such as Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Detroit, Los Angeles, and Boston. The cities have large neighborhoods of Arabs Americans communities and have Arabic grocery stores, restaurants, and other businesses. The largest Arab Americans neighborhood is found Dearborn, Michigan. Arab Americans have become one of the most diverse groups of people in United States. Around 50 percent are Christians while the other 50 percent are Muslims. Some of the Arab immigrants trace their roots in African nations while others trace their origin in Asian countries. Some Arab Americans are born in America with their parents and grandparents born in United States making these Arabs have the little knowledge of the Arabic language. Others have immigrated to United States recently and therefore they are fluent in Arabic and can speak a bit of English. Arab Americans are also diversified in terms of income and jobs. Some are professional lawyers and doctors while others work in farms and factories. Many Arab Americans are a business owner of large enterprises. Some Arab women work as homemakers while others are found in all kinds of professions. Research shows that Arab Americans have better education level compared to average American

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Rise and Fall of Medieval Chinese Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Rise and Fall of Medieval Chinese Empire - Essay Example Consequently, it occurred that the ruling class gradually became alienated from the population, and became deprived of their support during such crisis. In the imperial history of the world, religion has played an important role to hold the people of different races and ethnicities within one empire as Charles Issawi says, "the most important single factor holding India together, and enabling it to survive repeated conquests, has been the Hindu religion. Likewise, the conversion to Roman Catholicism of the native populations"1 Even if the religious belief played a significant role to unite the fragmented Chinese demography, as Issawi says, "Confucianism and Taoism helped China recover its unity after the breakdown of the Han Empire in the third century A.D. and the fragmentation and retrogression caused by the barbarian invasions"2, religion was not the one and only tool that contributed to the unity of the population. The role of religion in empire building during the Tang dynasty w as such that no prevalence of one religion was allowed to suppress another religion. Rather religions were treated and manipulated equally to create the sentiment -of the people- that is committed to the stability and solidarity of the empire. Such religious policy of the Tang Empire was in complete concordance with the 'divergent people in one state' policy of Tang Daizong.3 Therefore, the following factors can be held responsible behind the rise and fall of the Chinese empire during the Tang Dynasty: 1. Culture committed to the solidarity of the Empire4 2. Religions ensuring social stability and at the same time, nourishing the freaks among the population5 3. Effective administrative policies and politics Nature of Rise and Fall throughout the Chinese Imperial Era Throughout the passage of time, the rise and the fall of the medieval Chinese Empire were associated with each other in such a way that the rise of the empire during one dynasty was embedded in the fall of its preceding one and at the same time, the empire collapsed due to its failure to manipulate the variables that contributed its rise. One of the most common factors that contributed to the rise and the fall of the medieval Chinese empire is that the empire, in the first place, was able to unify the population of a vast area either with the consent of the people or by subjugating them with the power, culture, and religion. The role of religions in making the ancient Chinese Empire was not as significant as it was in the making of the medieval Chinese Empire. The less significant role of religion lies in the fact that religions with plural gods and goddesses were not strong enough to play a role in the making of the Chinese. Even if any religion played a role, it was mainly because of the humanistic zeal of the religion that inspired both the Chinese population and empire builders to adopt it as a means to social peace and harmony. Simply religion

What Accessories Say About People Essay Example for Free

What Accessories Say About People Essay â€Å"Our appearance can be an important factor in developing a sense of our identity†. Nowadays, appearances are everything, and the way you dress, the car you drive, and the phone you carry tell others a great deal about yourself. First of all, the clothes you put on and the hairstyle you have can reveal a lot about you. Our clothes and hairstyles say about you far more than you think since they tend to give a general idea about your beliefs, and a little bit about your taste in music. One example of the common clothing personalities is when a person wears colorful clothes, with peace signs printed all over them, and has dreadlocks, with maybe a short messy beard, then it is obvious that he is a hippie, and these people are usually vegetarians. Another example is when you see someone dressed in black from head to toe, with some body piercings and an extreme hairstyle, then this clearly indicates that this individual is into rock music, attends rock concerts, and might even be in a rock band himself. Also, when a man wears a suit and a tie, has a shaved face and a clean haircut, it tells us that he’s either a businessman or a manager. The outer appearance can also clothes, and have medium to long beards with a short mustache. Secondly, the car you drive reflects your financial and social status. Since cars prices range from low to extremely high, it basically covers most of the classes of society, so the kind of car you own shows where you stand in society. For example, businessmen and managers tend to ride in fancy black cars. Also, when a person drives a luxurious exotic car, it goes without saying that this person comes from a wealthy family, and might even hold a notable social status. Political figures like presidents and ambassadors drive their cars around in parades. And another example is mini cars drivers. Those people are usually not showy (unless the mini car is very expensive, like a mini cooper) and some of them are practical, since they get mini cars to reduce fuel consumption. More importantly, when you find the inside of the car disorganized with lots of paper and bottles lying everywhere while it is clean from the outside, then this clearly shows that its owner is all about the looks and only cares about showing off in front of others. Finally, cell phones. Cell phones nowadays are not just an accessory; they send major messages about you and your personality. A study was carried out by TalkTalk Mobile and examined 2,000 users of the currently top three devices to see if the chosen cell phone really is and extension to their personality. The results showed that iPhone users care more about their appearance and outer-image, and are more conceited than BlackBerry or Android users. iPhone users most likely work in media, retail, and they are the most active on social media sites. While BlackBerry users came in as the busiest group of the three, with the largest number of messages and emails sent, also they are more likely to have better relationships and better-paid jobs. They mostly work in health and finance. Android users on the other hand are better mannered than the other two, although they were found as the group to watch TV and drink alcohol the most. They tend to have jobs in engineering and the government. So overall, if you pay attention to those details in others like their clothes, cars and cell phones, you will get a general idea about them and their personality.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Benefits of Essential Oils

Benefits of Essential Oils Whenever possible, I prefer to deal with the various ailments and injuries I encounter by using essential oils rather than synthetic treatments or remedies. Essential oils are not only very effective at treating sickness and injury, but also provide the peace of mind that can only come with using an all-natural remedy. Natural substances like essential oils are easily metabolized by the body. In fact, your body knows exactly how to deal with them and thrives on them. Unlike synthetic drugs, after an essential oil performs its natural healing function, it travels on to the liver and kidney and moves easily and gently out of the body, without attaching itself to various tissues. Which essential oils have the maximum healing effect? Obviously, the essential oil that you choose will depend on the condition you seek to treat. As you experiment with various oils and application methodologies, pay attention to which of these satisfy your unique, personal needs and tastes. Here are some of the essential oils that are known to have maximum healing effects. Lavender Lavender is the one of the most known essential oils. It is used to cut down the healing time for cuts, bites and stings. The nice thing about lavender is that is does not require a carrier, it can be applied straight to the affected area. Peppermint Not only will peppermint cool you off during a fever, but it will also fight nausea and tummy trouble, whether it is morning or motion sickness. You can also pair peppermint and lavender oil up and apply it to your temples; doing so will lessen the intensity of headaches and migraines. Another use for peppermint oil is to help combat insect invasions. Doing this is simple; just add a few drops of peppermint oil to hot water and wipe any surfaces with a peppermint-infused clothe. Peppermint oil is also used to treat indigestion, respiratory problems, bowel spasms and pain, asthma, intestinal gas and more. Eucalyptus Another popular essential oil is eucalyptus. It is the most powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antispasmodic. To use it for this effect, all you have to do is add a few drops to a basin of steaming water to inhale, or add a few drops to a vaporizer. This can help disinfect and clear both your nasal passages and lungs. You can also add a few drops to a cloth, or a bandana, and inhale the oil throughout the day; doing this during cold season will also help prevent a cold. Tea tree Just like eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil is also a powerful antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic. Using tea tree oil is very simple, all you have to do is add a few drops with a carrier oil and apply it directly to the affected area. This can help treat scrapes, cuts, infections, insect bites, warts and even flaky scalp or dry skin. Also, if you have acne, you can mix tea tree oil with coconut oil or aloe vera gel as an effective acne treatment. This great oil also helps loosen chest congestion. To do so, just add a few drops to a vaporizer. Another cold-like symptom that can be treated with tea tree oil is a sore throat, just put a few drops of the oil on your tongue every hour or so and the symptoms should disappear. You can also add a few drops to warm water and gargle with it. Another great use for this oil is removal of plantar warts. To get rid of these warts, put the oil right on the wart and massage it in and when it is dry, put socks on. The best way to do this is before bed- apply it, let it dry, and put socks on for fifteen to twenty minutes, but do not wear the socks to bed. Roman chamomile This essential oil is not only good for it’s scent, but it is also a very powerful anti-inflammatory. If you are experiencing red, sensitive or inflamed, acne-prone skin, this oil can help you out. It is a lot kinder than tea tree oil, so it is ideal for those with sensitive, delicate skin. Also, a few drops of roman chamomile can be added to an antibacterial carrier oil, such as coconut oil, to help treat and soothe diaper rash and eczema. Lemon Lemon essential oil is a powerful bactericide and treats minor cuts and wounds. It is also known to brighten dull skin, help immunity and is even used in antibacterial cleansers. Lemon oil is also known for its ability to clear toxins from the body. Frankincense Next up is the â€Å"king† of all oils, frankincense. You can also combine this oil with other oils to get better results and a more effective healing. Frankincense has even been known for its ability to kill cancer cells. More simply, it is used for skin inflammation, rashes, and brings about focus and clarity. Sesame Another essential oil is sesame oil. This oil is best known for its moisturizing qualities. Sesame oil contains fatty acids, which are believed to reduce stress and blood pressure. This essential oil has even shown to assist in slowing the growth of cancer in cells as long as your diet is rich in vegetables. Rose This oil can work to improve the hormonal balance and can treat problems like PMS and menopause. This oil is also known for counteracting bedroom problems and improving the health in your skin. Geranium Geranium essential oil is known for it’s astringent properties. Apart from refreshing the skin, this oil features styptic effects, which calm inflammation and stop hemorrhaging. This oil can also be used for treating acne, managing oily skin, boosting blood circulation, and reducing bloating. Other than this, this oil is helpful in reducing scars, blemishes, wrinkles and fine lines. Pine Pine oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, and analgesic properties. Pine oil is also known to treat skin problems, such as psoriasis, eczema and pimples. You can also use pine essential oil to speed up your metabolism, aid in food poisoning, ease joint pain and arthritis, kill germs, as well as battle respiratory problems that come with cold season. Clove Clove oil also has powerful healing properties, making it useful for use as an antiseptic. This oil needs a carrier oil for its functioning, so just dilute a few drops of this essential oil in your choice of carrier and you can treat bug bites, cuts, and scrapes. Apart from this, this oil can help clear earaches, digestion problems, nasal congestion, stomachaches, and headaches. As an additional bonus, it’s an aphrodisiac. This means that it has stress-relieving properties. Rosemary Another great essential oil is rosemary oil. According to scientific studies, rosemary essential oil has been shown to help in keeping the brain optimally functional. The act of simply smelling rosemary essential oil helps in memory recall. Essential oils and their usefulness in several common health conditions Below mentioned are some of the common ailments and the essential oils you can use for relief: Hangover Pine, Grapefruit, Juniper and Cypress Rosemary essential oils Heartburn Chamomile (German), Marjoram, Peppermint essential oils Indigestion Ginger, Coriander, Cardamom and Lemon Peppermint essential oils Insect repellent Citronella, Lavender, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus and Peppermint Sandalwood essential oils Anti-Coagulant Geranium essential oil Anti-Venomous Basil, Thyme essential oils Aphrodisiac Aniseed, Angelica, Black Pepper, Basil, Clary Sage, Cinnamon, Clove, Jasmine, Pimento, Ginger, Nutmeg, Rosewood, Thyme, Sandalwood, Ylang-Ylang and Vetivert essential oils. Expectorant Coriander, Flatulence, Thyme, Sandalwood, Peppermint, Pine, Parsley, Myrrh, Hyssop, Garlic, Cedarwood, Cajuput, Bergamot, Basil and Angelica essential oils. Hypertension Camphor, Rosemary, Hyssop and Thyme essential oils Hay Fever Lavender, Eucalyptus, Chamomile and Melissa essential oils Rheumatism Cedarwood, Black Pepper, Chamomile, Coriander, Cloves, Frankincense, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Ginger, Lemon, Rosemary and Pine essential oils Tonsillitis Lavender and Tea Tree essential oils Toothache Chamomile (Roman), Clove and Peppermint essential oils Influenza Ravensara, Melissa, Thyme, Oregano, Frankincense, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Lavender, Sage, Lemon, and Rosemary essential oils How to use essential oils for best possible healing Here are some of the best ways you can use essential oils for maximum healing effect: Use in a diffuser Place about 10 drops of essential oil in a diffuser. Follow the guidelines of the manufacturer and inhale accordingly. Essential oils must not be directly burned. Inhale the steam Add 2 to 5 drops of essential oil into a bowl of steaming water. Place a towel over your head covering the bowl water and breathe deeply. It is essential to keep the eyes closed during this process. This technique is not really suggested for children younger than 7 years of age. Children more than 7 years of age can use swimming goggles to guard their eyes. Dry Evaporation Place 5 drops of essential oil over a cotton ball or tissue allowing the oil to evaporate into the air. To get a more intense dose, sniff the cotton ball. Otherwise, just keep the cotton ball at a distance of few feet from your face. Use in a spray Add five to ten drops of essential oil to water in a tiny spray bottle, shake, and then spray into the air and inhale. Massage While using essential oils topically, it is important to note that essential oils should not be applied to the skin in undiluted forms. When diluted, the concentration should not be higher than 3 to 5 percent. To put it differently, if you use 3 drops of essential oil, you must dilute it with one teaspoon of carrier oil. To be on the safer side, start with a 1% solution, or 1 drop of essential oil per teaspoon of carrier oil. The exceptions: lavender, sandalwood, ylang ylang and myrrh and tea tree oils usually do not require dilution. Add essential oil to your favorite carrier oil with 3% concentration (at most 3 drops per teaspoon of carrier oil) and apply to your skin gently. You can massage your entire body or only the area affected. Spot Application Mix 1 to 3 drops of essential oil in 1 teaspoon of carrier oil or natural aloe vera and apply to the spot that needs attention. Compress Fill a basin with water. Add 3 to 5 drops of essential oil in the water and stir briskly. Soak a washcloth in water, wring, and apply to the affected area. Do this at least three more times. Leave the last compress in place for five minutes. Bath Add 20 to 40 drops of essential oil to bath water. Also, add a few tablespoons of milk or cream to serve as a dispersant. For the reason that bath allows the oil to be easily absorbed in the skin, this is among one of my personal favorite methods. Gargle Add one drop of essential oil per ounce of water. Mix, then gargle and swish out the solution. Do not swallow. Few essential oil blends to get you started When working with blends and carrier oils, never use more than a total of 10% of essential oils in your blend. This is the essential oils to carrier oil ratio used in most commercial consumer blends. Now let’s take a look at some of my favorite blends! Muscle and Joint Blend Topical 4 drops Thyme 4 drops Black Pepper 4 drops Peppermint 4 drops Rosemary 10 drops Basil Relaxation Blend – Topical or Inhalation 4 drops Marjoram 4 drops Chamomile (German) 4 drops Clary Sage 12 drops Lavender Circulation Blend – Topical or Inhalation 4 drops Juniper berry 4 drops Frankincense 4 drops Ginger 4 drops Cypress 4 drops Black Pepper 4 drops Geranium Vein and Artery Blend – Topical or Inhalation 4 drops Myrrh 4 drops Lemon 4 drops Sandalwood 4 drops Neroli 4 drops Geranium 4 drops Cypress Sunburn Blend Topical 4 drops Chamomile 4 drops Tea Tree 4 drops Peppermint 12 drops Lavender Minor Cuts and Scrapes Blend Topical 10 drops Tea Tree 10 drops Lavender Menstrual Cramps Blend Internal 7 drops Lavender 7 drops Rosemary 7 drops Melissa Congestion Blend Inhalation 4 drops Peppermint 4 drops Ravensara 15 drops Eucaplyptus Antibacterial Blend Topical 4 drops Rosemary 4 drops Cinnamon 4 drops Basil 12 drops Tea Tree Antimicrobial Blend Topical 4 drops Cinnamon 4 drops Thyme 4 drops Lemongrass 12 drops Rosemary Antiseptic Blend Topical 10 drops Rosemary 10 drops Lavender Antiviral Blend Topical 4 drops Clove 4 drops Thyme 12 drops Peppermint 12 drops Sandalwood Headache Blend – Inhalation or Internal 7 drops Marjoram 7 drops Basil 7 drops Peppermint Immunity Blend Internal 14 drops Lemon 7 drops Thyme Arthritis Blend – Topical or Inhalation 7 drops Juniper 7 drops Eucalyptus 7 drops Basil 7 drops Cypress 14 drops Chamomile Burns Blend Topical 4 drops Tea Tree 4 drops Lavender 4 drops Geranium 12 drops Chamomile Colds and Flu Blend – Internal or Inhalation 4 drops Tea Tree 4 drops Rosemary 4 drops Peppermint 4 drops Lavender 12 drops Cinnamon Essential oils for specific diseases Essential oils that can help in the treatment of cancer Grapefruit essential oil Grapefruit oil is packed with Ascorbic Acid, which is ideal for detoxifying our bodies, and is therefore valuable for the improving the defense mechanisms of the body. You can use this oil internally. Thyme essential oil Thyme oil is really a powerful defense mechanism booster and may help fight problems like cancer. As a urinary antiseptic, it is also good for cystitis and urethritis. You can use this oil internally. Some essential oils that stimulate white blood cell production: Pine, lemon, lavender, sandalwood, chamomile, Bergamot and myrrh tea tree, and thyme essential oils can help stimulate the white blood cell production in body. Essential oils for broken bones Topically apply Cypress, Helichrysum (most significant for broken bones), and White Fir over the injured area two to three times per day. If you have ligament or tendon damage, add Lemongrass. When there is muscle damage, add Marjoram. Essential oils for broken tendons Wintergreen essential oil While Wintergreen is not a very popular oil, it is incredibly good at treating broken tendons and pain cramps. You can use this oil topically or inhale for maximum benefit. Vetiver essential oil This oil is well known for its healing effects on muscles and tendons. Use this oil topically, internally, or by inhalation. Essential oils for cold sores Roman chamomile essential oil This oil can be a powerful anti-inflammatory, so it will be the best option for cold sores. This oil is also a good bactericide that can kill the bacteria responsible for causing cold sores. Frankincense essential oil Used heavily in biblical times, this oil operates at deeper levels of the skin to deliver maximum healing. Frankincense has proven to help combat skin inflammation, rashes and cold sores. You can use this oil topically. Cypress essential oil Cypress oil is anti-antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, so that it is a powerful tool to address cold sores. Use this oil topically. Helichrysum essential oil This oil is highly anti-inflammatory and calming. This oil is regenerative and its pain reducing properties and analgesic effects make it a powerful solution for cold sores. You can use this oil topically. Essential oils for lung healing Ravintsara, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Birch and Lemon are known to give strength to the lungs. Any blend carrying these oils can fight respiratory infections and alleviate symptoms of diseases related to the lungs. Essential oils for acne and scars Lavender essential oil Lavender oil has antibacterial and antiviral properties, which could reduce the healing time for acne and other skin conditions. It doesn’t need a carrier oil. You can apply it directly on the impacted area. Obviously, topical use can get you the best results in this case. Tea tree oil Tea tree oil is powerful antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial oil. Only a few drops blended with carrier oil is all you need to disinfect the acne on your body. Manuka essential oil This oil is perfect for treating skin conditions like acne due to its antifungal qualities. It promotes faster healing of the skin. Conclusion I hope that you find whatever relief you seek in your healing journey with the incredible power of essential oils. Remember that essential oils are like water. You don’t drink just once and then never again. Instead, healing with essential oils is an ongoing process to nourish and replenish your body and soul with these astonishing elixirs. Best of luck and happy healing!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Social Media as Advertising Platform: Case Study

Social Media as Advertising Platform: Case Study The report represents an analysis of the promotional strategies implemented by Love for Food. The company has chosen social media as its promotional platform. The complete report has been presented based on identified aims and objectives. Among various measures available to study the performance of effectiveness of marketing strategies, such as A/B testing, multivariate testing and assessing Facebook analytic, the Facebook analytic model has been chosen. With the help of AIDA model, the discussion identifies that the company has not been successful to initiate effective demand due to flaws in promotional strategies. The reflection provided in the study shows this analysis has been very informative to enhance knowledge about the use of Facebook Insights. The discussion puts forth a study of web analytics. The report is presented in the scenario of a firm Love for Food. The business has chosen Facebook as the medium of promoting the business. The report will put forth a brief background of the study and the enterprise. It will identify key aims, goals, objectives and research questions for the discussion. Many strategies of research will be evaluated. Based on the evaluation a key strategy will be selected. The discussion will also put forth a process of experiments based on theoretical perspective, a data analysis will be presented by identifying effectiveness of the marketing strategies. A brief reflection will be presented by addressing key factors identified in the study. In the end, the discussion will be concluded by providing a concise summary. Background Love for Food is a bakery company based is an UK-based bakery firm. The organisation is considering to take online shopping as its key business domain. It has chosen Facebook as a feasible online media to sales its products (, 2017). Since, this platform is cost effective and offer high degree of reach (Bharadwaj, et al., 2013). But, it is imperative for Love for Food to assess the effectiveness of Facebook to promote the services. The study will focus on web analytics using Facebook insights to assess the effectiveness of this tool (Selwyn Facer, 2007). The enterprise has been successful to generate likes and shares of by promoting its Facebook page. But, the firm wants to enhance the outcome more to ensure better success of the business. Aims, goals, objectives or purpose: The key aims, goals, objectives and purpose of this study has been put forth as below. Aims: To assess the effectiveness of web analytics in promoting the businesses. Goals: To enhance the promotional activities of the company by ensuring better result. Objectives: The key objectives of the study are as mentioned below. To identify the effectiveness of web analytics to measure the effectiveness of promotional activities of the firm? To identify key drawbacks lies in the promotional activities of the organisation. Purpose: This study will facilitate Love for Food to improve its promotional strategies. The enterprise will also be able to assess the probable return on investment it will be able to get in short term and long term perspective (Miller, 2012). The analysis will also facilitate the organisation if it will be successful to meet it anticipated target more effectively. Questions: Based on the above discussion following research questions have been identified for this study. How much is the web analytics effective to measure the effectiveness of promotional activities of the business? What are the key drawbacks in the promotional strategies of the organisation? Selection of experiment area: Strategies: There are many strategies available for the company to develop for conducting experiments (Young, 2014). These are multivariate testing, A/B testing and creation of Facebook pages and posts. Each of these strategies is discussed and justified as below. Multivariate Testing: In this process of testing various interlinked variable are modified to assess the impact of the result. This analysis helps to identify the one combination which is effective for the enterprise (Wang, 2014). In the context of Love for Food, the firm will be able to assess the effectiveness of its different marketing promotions with changing scenario. But this will take much time and make the whole process costly (Chaffey, et al., 2012). Thus, this method of analysis will not be effective for the company. A/B Testing: In this process of testing, the enterprise will be able to test data based on single variable. This is effective for simple projects. But, the projects which have many critical data and interlinked operations, will not able to generate effective analysis from this study (Segura, et al., 2016). The A/B testing however also helps to identify an effective channel of promotions. The Love for Food will require undertaking many promotional tools such as social media, advertisement on television and newspapers (Royle Laing, 2014). But, this will raise the cost of project. Because, it is not feasible for the organisation to make presence in those media. Hence, this method of study will not be feasible for the organisation. Creation of Facebook pages and posts: in this process of method, the business will be able to assess the market demand for the product more effectively (Abell Brewer, 2014). The firm will be able to develop many customised solutions and information. The likes, shares and comments provided by the organisation, will facilitate the enterprise to identify the popularity and attractiveness of its strategies. Love for Food can implement this strategy in cost effective and timely manner (Gerlitz Helmond, 2013). Therefore, this process of analysis will be feasible for this study. Method for conducting experiments: Owing to the feasibility of the process of creation of Facebook pages and posts, Love for Food chose this method of conducting the experiment. Initially, a Facebook account was created. The account was logged using the user id and the password as articulated by the company.       Figure 1:1st Step Creation of the page was the second step after the procedure of logging in into the account. Figure 2:2nd Step Figure 3:3rd Step In this step, the page was selected and was ready to be created. Figure 4:4th Step The primary purpose of creating the Facebook was to connect with the people by using a brand, business or a cause. In this case, the cause or community was chosen to continue with the further step. Figure 5:5th Step By clicking on get started and after writing the name for the page, the Facebook page was created as illustrated below. Figure 6:6th Step Figure 7: Page Created The creation of the Facebook page has enabled the company to attract a number of people at the same time. The page also got about 30 likes. The page has also been receiving comments for the photos and the videos that were uploaded by Love for Food. Hence, this procedure has been useful in the attainment of the objectives. Analysis of your experiment area: Page Views: The above analysis of data identifies that the company has become successful to generate 37 views for its Facebook page. The page was run for 3 weeks. Within this small period it has been successful to generate sufficient views. The above chart also shows the sources of views was not only from, but also other key websites such as, also facilitated to increase the number of views the page. This shows the company can get higher reach through Facebook promotions. Page Likes: The above data shows that the enterprise has been able to increase the likes of the page from 17th Feb to 17th March. The firm has been successful to the likes of pages to a certain extent from 15th March. The above chart also represents that the number of likes has been decreased drastically from 16th march. This represents that the business has not been successful to sustain its market presence. According to the AIDA model, the enterprise requires to attention generation, interest development, desire generation and resulting action i.e. purchasing of services (Hassan, et al., 2015). But, above analysis shows the company has been successful to generate attention for the product. It has also been successful to develop interest (Wang, 2014). But as the organisation has failed to sustain these factors for long, it has not been successful to generate desire and purchase decision. Thus it failed to meet its target of generating high degree of return on investment from the projectReflections upon the use of Facebook/Facebook Insights: Pages on Facebook are public in nature and hence, the engagement with the pages are also public. Initially, with the incorporation of Facebook Insights in my project, I learnt that Facebook insights assists in providing insights to the managers of the page along with the activity of the people on the page (Bharadwaj, et al., 2013). I learnt that Facebook insight is a powerful tool for the individuals who are determined towards the tracking of the interaction of the user on the fan page of the Facebook. It can be seen by each and every admin of the page. I also learnt that it aids in understanding the performance of the page with the help of graphs. In the course of using Facebook insights, I learnt that we will also be able to recognise and determine the best time of the day along with the best day of the week for posting pictures and contents on the Facebook page (Gerlitz Helmond, 2013). Further, it is also mandatory to mention that I also learnt that Facebook Insights are also useful in understanding the use and power of a particular content or post (Frick, 2000). One of the most important things that I learnt was it is a tool that is constantly updated which helps in reflecting the developments in the page. Hence, it is essential to keep a check on the loop. The study identifies that the company has chosen social media for promotional perspective. Since, it is cost effective and has high reach. The other process of analysis for studying the effectiveness of promotional strategies thus has been rejected. These promotional strategies can be identified as multivariate analysis and A/B analysis. The analysis of data also shows; the organisation has been failed to meet its promotional objective as it has failed to sustain the interest. In theoretical perspective of AIDA model (Ward Peppard, 2016), the enterprise has not been quite successful in generating demand and purchase intention for its products. However, the study has been very beneficial and informative to develop analytical skills. So, it will add value in academic and professional endeavours. References Abell, L. Brewer, G., 2014. Machiavellianism, self-monitoring, self-promotion and relational aggression on Facebook. Computers in Human Behavior, 36(1), pp. 258-262. Bharadwaj, A., El Sawy, O., Pavlou, P. Venkatraman, N., 2013. Digital business strategy: toward a next generation of insights.. s.l.:s.n. Chaffey, D., Smith, P. R. Smith, P. R., 2012. eMarketing eXcellence: Planning and optimizing your digital marketing. 2nd ed. s.l.:Routledge., 2017. Love For Food. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 17 March 2017]. Frick, T., 2000. Return on engagement: Content, strategy, and design techniques for digital marketings.. London: Taylor Franci. Gerlitz, C. Helmond, A., 2013. The like economy: Social buttons and the data-intensive web.. New Media Society, 15(8), pp. 1348-1365. Hassan, S., Nadzim, S. Shiratuddin, N., 2015. Strategic use of social media for small business based on the AIDA model. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172(1), pp. 262-269. Miller, M., 2012. B2B digital marketing: Using the web to market directly to businesses. London: Que Publishing. Royle, J. Laing, A., 2014. The digital marketing skills gap: Developing a Digital Marketer Model for the communication industries.. International Journal of Information Management, 34(2), pp. 65-73. Segura, S., Fraser, G., Sanchez, A. Ruiz-Cortà ©s, A., 2016. A survey on metamorphic testing. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 42(9), pp. 805-824. Selwyn, N. Facer, K., 2007. Beyond the digital divide Rethinking digital inclusion for the 21st century. UK: Futurelab. Wang, P. e., 2014. Graphical representation of multivariate data. 2nd ed. London: Elsevier. Ward, J. Peppard, J., 2016. The Strategic Management of Information Systems: Building a Digital Strategy. London: John Wiley Sons. Young, A., 2014. Brand media strategy: Integrated communications planning in the digital era. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Positive Outcomes of the French Revolution Essay -- History, Politics

A common theme of the historical French Revolution of the 1790s is the bloodshed associated with a new execution device, the guillotine. This negative connotation of the Revolution resides in the minds of the French and foreigners alike. However, although the French Revolution has contained a fair amount of bloodshed, its aftermath on the French has been overall positive. To begin, there were several contributing factors to the Revolution. Even though theorists have divergent opinions on the factors that started the rebellion, there are three widely accepted causes: financial status of the country, rapid overpopulation, and the relative unfairness of the French political system (â€Å"French Revolution,† Columbia). The French government was in great debt because it had assisted America in the American Revolution in the 1770s. Moreover, the underclass, made mostly of peasants and manual workers, worked increasing longer hours for less food. In addition, due to France’s bankruptcy, taxes increased, but some upper class citizens and institutions were exempt (Kreis). An increasing lack of food was primarily responsible due to an overpopulation of rural communities in the 1700s – over 80 percent of the twenty plus million French were concentrated in the rural areas (â€Å"Social Causes†). Furthermore, there was a series of rela tive droughts in the late 1700s, and one of the biggest occurred in 1788, just a year before the beginning of the Revolution (â€Å"French Revolution,† Encyclopaedia Britannica 1). Inversely, members of the upper class Bourgeoisie, composed of the nation’s small minority of noblemen, clergy, merchants, and professionals, found increases to their wealth due to an overall economic growth in the 18th century. Because of these tr... ...ol Edition. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. Like the previous entry, this article explains the rising of the revolution and its events, but with more emphasis on the causes of the revolution. Kreis, Steven. "Lecture 11: The Origins of the French Revolution." The History Guide. Steven Kreis, 30 Oct. 2006. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. Steven Kreis created The History Guide for high school and undergraduate students; this particular article focuses on the social factors that sparked the revolution. "Social Causes of the Revolution." Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution. Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 16 July 2001. Web. 29 Oct. 2011. This entry focuses on the negative social causes of the revolution, but with more depth and emphasis on the lower class in France late 1700s.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

My Cinematic Version of Macbeth :: Macbeth essays

My Cinematic Version of Macbeth In filming my own version of Macbeth, I would choose a traditional route to capturing the essence of Shakespeare’s classic. In keeping with Shakespeare’s idea, I would film the piece in the great lands of Scotland. Using one of the famous castles of the land, I would make the time period somewhere around the 11th century. This means that things will be a little primitive, but historically correct. A re-occurring theme in Macbeth is death so the time of year would be fall, because the leaves are falling, and the plants are dying. The season is considered a time symbolic of dying. The costumes in the movie would anything but glamorous. Of this time period, most people would be wearing heavy woolen tunics with fur trimming. To keep warm in cold weather, they could wear animal skins around their legs with leather strapping. The royalty will of the movie will only wear the finest of these materials and the best looking pieces of clothing. Women would wear a heavy wool garment to keep with the chronological fashions. Now, although I would be filming the movie in a 11th century setting, that doesn’t stop me from using the latest technology and ideas. Makeup is an important part in the film industry today so of course I would use it to in my picture. The witches would require the most makeup. They would all have long, crooked noses, with facial hair and moles all over their face. Each would have long black or gray stringy hair. I would not have the witches standing tall. Two if not all three would have a humpback and be about five feet in stature. Young Siward will be a young boyish figure. Macbeth’s rage and overaggressive ambition are brought out by the slaying of Young Siward; therefore, Young Siward would look like a young innocent boy of the age of 12. Another modern idea would be the special effects involved. Special effects would be used in the scenes of bad weather. Lighting and thunder will be used for the witches’ scenes as well as Duncan’s Murder. The major special effect as well as the most dramatic will be the appearance of the ghost of Banquo. A holographic image of a white transparent figure resembling Banquo will have stab wounds and blood oozing from his disheveled body. My Cinematic Version of Macbeth :: Macbeth essays My Cinematic Version of Macbeth In filming my own version of Macbeth, I would choose a traditional route to capturing the essence of Shakespeare’s classic. In keeping with Shakespeare’s idea, I would film the piece in the great lands of Scotland. Using one of the famous castles of the land, I would make the time period somewhere around the 11th century. This means that things will be a little primitive, but historically correct. A re-occurring theme in Macbeth is death so the time of year would be fall, because the leaves are falling, and the plants are dying. The season is considered a time symbolic of dying. The costumes in the movie would anything but glamorous. Of this time period, most people would be wearing heavy woolen tunics with fur trimming. To keep warm in cold weather, they could wear animal skins around their legs with leather strapping. The royalty will of the movie will only wear the finest of these materials and the best looking pieces of clothing. Women would wear a heavy wool garment to keep with the chronological fashions. Now, although I would be filming the movie in a 11th century setting, that doesn’t stop me from using the latest technology and ideas. Makeup is an important part in the film industry today so of course I would use it to in my picture. The witches would require the most makeup. They would all have long, crooked noses, with facial hair and moles all over their face. Each would have long black or gray stringy hair. I would not have the witches standing tall. Two if not all three would have a humpback and be about five feet in stature. Young Siward will be a young boyish figure. Macbeth’s rage and overaggressive ambition are brought out by the slaying of Young Siward; therefore, Young Siward would look like a young innocent boy of the age of 12. Another modern idea would be the special effects involved. Special effects would be used in the scenes of bad weather. Lighting and thunder will be used for the witches’ scenes as well as Duncan’s Murder. The major special effect as well as the most dramatic will be the appearance of the ghost of Banquo. A holographic image of a white transparent figure resembling Banquo will have stab wounds and blood oozing from his disheveled body.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Summary of Autobiography of a Yogi

India, an ancient civilization is well known to be the cradle of a rich and perpetual heritage. The pristine land has always throbbed with the vibrancy of the originality, creativity and self motivated activities of its illumined souls. Their deep, original and sublime thoughts have presented to the world, distinctive gifts of knowledge, be it be in language, values, religion, philosophy, art, business, mathematics, astrology, medicine, surgery much more and beyond; a unique universal heritage, and an eternal formulae to a calm way of life.The masters have successfully sought to give answers to all the queries that are bound to pop up in the mind of every human being at some point of time in their life on earth. They have unraveled the ultimate mysteries that surround life, death and afterlife. The peerless Vedas, the Vedanta i. e. the Upanishads and the Puranas are a treasure trove of great learning and unveiled deep secrets. They have provided Godly guidance to human life at every moment in time and space ever since they were first recorded, centuries ago.These texts contain the essential summaries that form the doctrinal basis of Hindu religion. In the league of such a legacy, modern India continues to produce spiritual masters as was done so in every era. Their role on earth is to guide the not so enlightened souls who often loose their way in the mayhems of the day to day worldly activities. The spiritual vitality offered by their worshipful presence and golden words; the ever true messages expounded by illumined ‘Bhaagwat Gita', has eternally held the power to rejuvenate India century after century.One such celebrated and illumined soul is Paramahansa Yoganandji. His life-story is referred to as a modern spiritual classic. It is an inspiring chronicle of the life of a true yogi, a glimpse into the training years in the hermitage of his God realized guru, and his startling description of ‘cosmic consciousness' reached on the upper levels of yog ic practice. His teachings are interpreted and are now creatively applied to endeavors such as education, psychology, management, and business. Our conscious and subconscious being is crowned by superconsciousness,† Rabbi Israel H. Lavinthal pointed out in a lecture in New York. â€Å"Many years ago the English psychologist F. W. H Myers, suggested that ‘hidden in the deep of our beings is a rubbish heap as well as the treasure house. ‘ In contrast to the psychology that centers all its researches on the subconscious in the man's nature, the new psychology of the superconscious focuses its attention upon the treasure house – the region that alone can explain the great, unselfish, heroic deeds of men. It has been experienced that knowledge, skill or even any relationship that is not supported by the undercurrents of spirituality has found to ultimately go defunct, obsolete and sometimes lost. The active expression of intelligence by great men finds its basis on the foundations of genuine virtues. Softskill training programs entrusted to maintain the morale and vigor of employees in the complexities of work environment find much success when they are enriched with sublime religious and philosophical concepts.One can not expect lasting transformation in a person until and unless the concept has touched the chord of his soul and awakened his spirit. Work and workplace become blissful, and interrelationships become softened with accommodative patience, forbearance and wisdom when people acknowledge their inherent animal instincts of vanity, greed and jealousy as the ‘suicide bombs' that are the mother of stress and an eventual self destruction. The life story is also exemplary because of the comparative notes it has drawn from the divine Hindu texts and the holy Bible.The master has expounded the deathless essence of Christian Bible with beautiful clarity and the truth in Christ's assertion â€Å"Heaven and Earth shall pass away, bu t my words shall not pass away†-Matthew 24:35 (Bible) His Pearls of Wisdom and its easy application in ordinary human life †¢ Impartiality: The execution of the trait of impartiality i. e. the ability to perceive all men in striking similarity is rooted into wisdom. A self realized person does not subject to the likes and dislikes that confuse the judgment of unenlightened men. â€Å"Conserve your powers. Be like the capacious ocean, absorbing quietly all the tributaries of the senses. Daily renewed sense yearning sap the inner peace; they are like openings in the reservoirs that permit vital waters to be wasted in the desert of materialism. The forceful and activating impulse of the wrong desire is the greatest enemy to the happiness of man. Roam in the world as the lion of self-control; don't let the frogs of weak senses kick around you! † †¢ Man has the natural privilege of roaming secretly in his thoughts.Manage your thoughts judiciously; destroy the wrong thoughts as soon as possible. A thought is a force, as electricity and gravitation. †¢ Thoughts should be weighed in a delicate balance of discrimination before permitting them outward garb of speech. †¢ Indulge in Auto-suggestion and self dialogue for self correction from time to time. Be your best friend. As Lord Buddha remarked ‘Atm deepam bhawam' i. e. be your own light. †¢ Believe that and tell yourself what you need to accomplish and it shall be done.Your accomplishments often follow your subconscious expectations. The human mind is capable of accomplishing what ever it feels intensely. †¢ The world does not change for anyone. Leverage your accommodative capacity in accordance with the requirements of the world. †¢ Our behaviors are our introduction to the society. Good manners without sincerity are like beautiful dead lady. Straightforwardness without civility is like a surgeon's knife, effective but unpleasant.Candor with courtesy is helpful a nd admirable. †¢ The lives of all men are dark with many shames. Human conduct is ever unreliable until man is anchored in the divine. The only sure shot to ‘rosy' future is when we make spiritual efforts now. †¢ Keen intelligence is two edged. It can be used constructively and destructively, like a knife, either to cut the boil of ignorance or to decapitate oneself. Intelligence is rightly guided only after mind has acknowledged the inescapably of spiritual laws.The works of the yogi has helped the world understand that distinctions by race or nations are meaningless in the realm of truth, where the only qualification is the fitness to receive. Every saint who has penetrated to the core of Reality has testified that a divine universal plan exists and that it is beautiful and full of joy. The human entity composed of the tangible physical body and the invisible spirit secretly desires not only the nourishment of the body with healthy food but it also seeks nourishmen t of the spirit with soulful meditations and cosmic encounters.The purpose of each life is to meet God in his lifetime. The latter requires conscious effort on the part of the individual. Each of us is sent to earth to undertake a separate journey which is unique, and not a copy of another, even if it is a prophet or a saint, though to seek motivation from their lives is a much welcome step in the journey of stretching over cosmogonic abysses even while the body performs its daily duties. Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/4946654

Checks and Balances on the American Government

Tatianna Orozco P. 2 Checks and Balances The six basic principles of the constitution are popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, judicial review, federalism, and checks and balances. Checks and balances is the amount of power assigned to each branch (executive, legislative, and judicial) to keep them balanced. This concept was popularized by Baron Montesquieu to keep the French government from corrupting and was brought to the American government. Over the 200 plus years checks and balances has been in act, it has been very effective through impeachment, laws, and military actions.When it comes to impeachment, the system of checks and balances is very effective. The president can be impeached by the House of Representatives. During the impeachment, the Chief of Justice sits a President of the Senate. So, this is a check on the executive branch. In impeachment, legislative branch holds the power. The legislative branch represents the people which provides a che ck upon itself and the judicial branch. As a result of the legislative branch holding most of the power, it allows the people to have a connected sense especially when it comes to voting.Checks and balances is very effective through lawmaking. If the president decides to veto a bill, congress may override the veto by a 2/3 vote of both houses. This puts a check on the executive branch. In a case where the president does not sign a bill within 10 days it automatically becomes a law. Because of congress having most of the power over lawmaking, it gives the people of this country can have assurance over injury. Military actions are another way checks and balances are effective in equality of two branches.The executive branch puts a check on the legislative branch by the president being commander in chief of the military. Even though the president is chief of the military, only congress has the power to declare war. This is effective in the way that instead of 1 person declaring way ità ¢â‚¬â„¢s a group of people making a big decision. Along with popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, judicial review, and federalism, checks and balances is effective in our government. Without checks and balances we wouldn’t have the stable government and protection we have today.